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A Step-by-Step Game Plan to Move on From Your Divorce … FAST!

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My Story

I know where you have been because I was there.

In my mid 40s, my 17-year marriage was over. Devastated, and with two young kids who were hurting, I realized I had lost track of who I was. Where was the crazy adventurer who moved to Europe with just one suitcase? The brave 20-something with the dreams to take on New York City? The intrepid entrepreneur who built her successful public relations business from scratch? By the end of the marriage, the free spirit I had been was nowhere to be seen. By playing it safe and small, I had lost my voice and my soul.

I remember seeing a photo of myself at the time, and barely recognizing the sad, dead look in my eyes. Where had my ME gone? That was when I realized things had to shift. Radically. I confronted the limiting beliefs and stopped the behaviors that weren’t serving me. I invested mightily in finding myself again, who I really was at my core. I shed the cloak of victimhood to find my voice, my power, my ME.

My new chapter is now my best chapter. I’m finally back to the person I was meant to be, in the driver’s seat of my life, doing the things I love. My journey brought me incredible wisdom, insights, and tools that I use now to help other women survive divorce, find their voice, and create the life they deserve.

Work With Me

Success Stories

Lynette’s testimonial

Over the course of her 16-year marriage, Lynette lost her sense of self, felt disempowered and disconnected, and developed a pattern of avoiding and procrastinating.

When we started working together, Lynette was separated, in the, in the middle of negotiating her divorce settlement, and she felt stuck and frustrated with herself and her life.

She couldn’t get herself to move forward and was feeling fearful and full of blame. She had been crying a lot, oversleeping, had picked up unhealthy habits and was not being the mother to her four young-adult children like she wanted to be.

Lynette wanted to no longer feel depressed or sad. She was committed to getting back her self worth, to stopping procrastinating, and to being empowered as she negotiated her divorce settlement. 

Under my mentorship, Lynette took her life back. She became crystal clear on who she is and what she stands for, mastered her emotions, and no longer procrastinates or avoids dealing with challenging situations. She also stopped a number of unhealthy coping mechanisms that had been impacting her physical wellbeing.

Carol’s testimonial

Carol is the mother of three young adult children and was married for 26 years.

Over the course of her marriage, she lost her sense of self, felt invisible, didn’t know who she was, and was struggling to trust herself.

When we started working together, Carol was separated, negotiating her divorce settlement and felt stuck because of disempowering patterns she’d had for decades. She no longer wanted to feel depressed or sad. She was committed not to make the same mistakes going forward, to be confident and empowered as she negotiated her divorce settlement, and to show up completely differently in her new relationship.

With my guidance, Carol completely transformed. She became crystal clear on who she was and what she stands for, mastered her emotions, learned to set and hold boundaries, forgave herself and her ex, and learned to trust herself and make decisions easily.

Carol is a case study on how it doesn’t take years and years to move past divorce, transform yourself, shift old ways of being, and truly become the person you want to be. With Roadmap’s time-tested method, strategies and tools, transformation can take place in just a couple of months.

Tammy’s testimonial

Tammy was married for 25 years, the mother of two young adult sons, and was preparing herself for an empty nest when her marriage suddenly imploded. She was a successful entrepreneur, and was completely blindsided by the divorce. During the marriage, Tammy had put her husband and kids first. She was a people pleaser and always the one to give in.  She did not feel her needs really mattered. The suddenness of her marriage breaking up left her feeling completely lost and at the mercy of her emotions. She felt damaged, was caught in anger and feared turning bitter. She had anxiety, felt shame and was petrified about being alone. She didn’t trust herself, she took things personally and lacked confidence. She was constantly replaying the events of the past. Tammy had been going to therapy each week but talking over and over about her problems only left her feeling more sad. She was distraught and could not see a way forward. She faced mediation and did not feel she was in a good place to represent herself. She feared the future. Desperate to change her situation, Tammy started working with me determined to master her emotions so that she could save the relationship she had with her sons (which had deteriorated because of her emotionality) and be empowered as she negotiated her divorce settlement. Using a specific proven method customized to her needs, we got to work. Tammy started to change within the first weeks of our working together and by the end of two months, she had transformed into a new empowered radiant version of herself. She got specific tools to manage her emotions, dug deep to do the inner work, and got back her sense of self. She made peace with the past, now knows who she is, she’s confident and is living life full out. She is back to creating art and is truly excited about the future.

Kristin’s testimonial

Kristin had been married for 27 years to her high school sweetheart when her marriage suddenly imploded. She was blindsided learning about her ex’s affair and his wanting a divorce. During two years of separation and one year of officially being divorced, Kristin dealt with selling her house, moving, her in-laws both becoming ill and passing away and her father getting cancer. She tried to be there for everyone, and no one was there for her. She felt overwhelmed and that life was happening to her. Kristin went to therapy each week but talking over and over about her problems had not helped her move forward. She felt stuck, down on herself and berated herself when she saw everyone else moving on with their lives except her. Kristin started working with me determined to find herself again, get her confidence and self esteem back, and step powerfully into her next chapter. Using a proven method customized to her needs, we got to work. Within the first week Kristin saw significant changes and by the end of two months, she had transformed into a new empowered version of herself. She got herself back, she is off the couch and is active, she lost 15 pounds, she is confident, she is taking risks and putting herself out there like she had never done in her life, she feels excited about the future and is ready to date from an empowered place.

Louise’s testimonial

When Louise and I started working together, it had been two years since her long-term marriage ended but she felt stuck and was tired of having her divorce have such a hold on her. During Louise’s long-term marriage, she lost her voice, her confidence, and her self esteem and ended up feeling ignored, unloved and unworthy. She wanted to get her ex’s voice out of her head and no longer wanted to be acting in reaction to him. Louise had tried therapy but talking over and over about her problems had not helped to move her forward like she wanted. Louise started working with me determined to find herself again, get her confidence and self esteem back, step powerfully into her next chapter and no longer be reactive when interacting with her ex. Using a proven strategy customized to her needs, we got to work. Within the first week Louise saw significant changes and by the end of two months, she had transformed into a new empowered version of herself: confident, a strong sense of self, owning her self-worth, and designing a future she is excited about.

Diana’s testimonial

Diana had lost herself over the course of her long-term marriage, and felt like her heart had stopped when her husband asked for a divorce. Shell shocked from her marriage ending, Diana was determined to find herself again, step powerfully into her next chapter and no longer be reactive when interacting with her ex. Working together, Diana had completely transformed into a new empowered version of herself: confident, a strong sense of self, owning her value, and designing a future she is excited about.

Working with Successfully Starting Over was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I was stuck and needed to make substantial changes, but didn’t know where to begin. The tools I now have helped me shift and make constructive decisions. I can say wholeheartedly that I love the new life I’m creating.


I have made tremendous shifts since working with Successfully Starting Over. I now have a variety of tangible tools to use when feeling triggered and I have made measurable progress in my level of reactivity and also my perception of my experience. I learned to identify ‘what’s really going on’ when I resort to old patterns, and I now have a wealth of knowledge and a bottomless toolbox that offers solutions and forward movement. My life is so much better now.


My biggest take-away from working with Stephanie is that I’m in charge of creating the life that I want. For so many years I wanted to blame other people -- specifically my ex -- for everything that had gone wrong in my life. Stephanie really pushed me to take charge of my emotions, and to move forward instead of looking back. I had forgotten what it felt like to look forward to anything. Thank you Stephanie!


One of the many things I got out of working with Stephanie was the realization that taking care of myself was not a selfish thing but a necessity. After so many years of fitting myself into a certain box so I could make things easy for someone else, I had forgotten about my own needs. That was when it hit me that feeling healthy, strong, and intellectually stimulated were all things that I was capable of AND that I deserved. I also learned to disentangle myself from my ex. With Stephanie's support, I was finally able to separate my emotions and needs from him and his.


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