Ready to go quickly from devastated after divorce to confident in love with life, and ready to love again?

Lynette’s Testimonial 

Lynette is the mother of four young adult and teen daughters and was married for 16 years. Despite a successful career in healthcare, she had lost her sense of self over the course of her marriage, and felt disempowered and disconnected.

When we started working together, Lynette was separated, negotiating her divorce settlement, and felt stuck because of disempowering patterns developed over decades.

She couldn’t get herself to move forward and was feeling fearful and full of blame. She had been crying a lot, oversleeping, had picked up unhealthy habits and was not being the mother she wanted to be.

Lynette wanted to no longer feel depressed or sad. She was committed to getting back her self worth, to stop procrastinating, and be empowered as she negotiated her divorce settlement.

In just over two months, Lynette completely turned around her life. She became crystal clear on who she is and what she stands for, mastered her emotions, and no longer puts things off. She also stopped a number of coping mechanisms that had been negatively impacting her physical health.

Tammy’s Testimonial

Tammy was married for 25 years, the mother of two young adult sons, and was preparing herself for an empty nest when her marriage suddenly imploded.

The suddenness of her marriage breaking up left her feeling completely lost and at the mercy of her emotions. She felt damaged, was caught in anger and feared turning bitter.

She had anxiety, felt shame and was scared about being alone. She didn’t trust herself, she took things personally and lacked confidence. She was constantly replaying the events of the past.

Tammy had been going to therapy each week but talking over and over about her problems only left her feeling more sad. She was distraught and could not see a way forward. She faced mediation and did not feel she was in a good place to represent herself. She feared the future.

Committed to changing her situation, Tammy was determined to master her emotions so that she could save the relationship she had with her sons (which had deteriorated because of her emotionality) and be empowered as she negotiated her divorce settlement.

 Tammy started to change within the first weeks of working with me and after two months, she had transformed into a new empowered radiant version of herself. She got specific tools to manage her emotions, dug deep to do the inner work, and got back her sense of self. She made peace with the past, now knows who she is. She’s confident and is living life full out. 

Carol’s Testimonial

Carol is the mother of three young adult children and was married to a narcissist for 26 years. Over the course of her marriage, she lost her sense of self, felt invisible, didn’t know who she was, and was struggling to trust herself.

When we started working together, Carol was separated, negotiating her divorce settlement and felt stuck because of disempowering patterns she’d had for decades. She no longer wanted to feel depressed or sad. She was committed not to make the same mistakes going forward. She wanted to be confident and empowered as she negotiated her divorce settlement, and to show up completely differently in her new relationship.

During our time working together, Carol completely transformed. She became crystal clear on who she was and what she stands for, mastered her emotions, learned to set and hold boundaries, forgave herself and her ex, and learned to trust herself and make decisions easily.

Kristin’s Testimonial

Kristin had been married for 27 years to her high school sweetheart when her marriage suddenly ended. She was blindsided learning about her ex’s affair and his wanting a divorce.

During two years of separation and one year of officially being divorced, Kristin dealt with selling her house, moving, her in-laws both becoming ill and passing away and her father getting cancer. She tried to be there for everyone, and no one was there for her. She was overwhelmed and felt that life was happening to her.

Kristin went to therapy each week but talking over and over about her problems had not helped her move forward. She felt stuck, down on herself and berated herself when she saw everyone else moving on with their lives except her.

Kristin was determined to find herself again, get her confidence and self esteem back, and step powerfully into her next chapter. Within the first week of our working together, Kristin saw significant changes and by the end of two months, she had transformed into a new empowered version of herself. She got her sense of self and her confidence back, she got off the couch and is active, she lost 15 pounds, she is taking risks and putting herself out there like she had never done in her life, she feels excited about the future and is ready to date from an empowered place.

Michelle’s Testimonial

From South Carolina, Michelle has two young adult children and was married for 29 years. When we started working together, Michelle had been separated from her ex for just two weeks, though her marriage had been in a difficult place for a while. They had separated a few times prior, and each time attempted to reconcile but the marriage never really got back on track.

Michelle married young, and over the course of the relationship, she lost her sense of self and had no idea what made her happy.  She overfunctioned in the home, taking on all the responsibility in the household and making excuses to smooth things over and make everything better.  She was a people pleaser, had a hard time holding boundaries and had a long-term pattern of putting herself last. Despite being a successful business owner, she questioned her judgment.

Because Michelle’s marriage had been wobbly for awhile, when the final separation came, she was devastated AND she was determined not to waste any more time because enough time had been wasted already.  She wanted to move full speed ahead to create her new life and take control of her personal life in the same way that she had taken control of her professional life.

Michelle joined my mastermind and immediately got to work. She was determined never to go back to the person she had become.

Using a proven process customized to her needs, Michelle started to change within the first weeks of the program and in three months, she had made a complete transformation. She had made peace with the past, she got specific tools to master her emotions, and she reclaimed her identity.  She went from crying every day to happy and excited about the future.  The shifts she made impacted all parts of her life including how she showed up with her kids and with her clients.

Louise’s Testimonial

Louise had tried therapy but talking over and over about her problems had not helped to move her forward like she wanted. Louise started working with me determined to find herself again, get her confidence and self esteem back, step powerfully into her next chapter and no longer be reactive when interacting with her ex. Within the first week of our working together, Louise saw significant changes and by the end of two months, she had transformed into a new empowered version of herself: confident, a strong sense of self, owning her self-worth, and designing a future she is excited about.

Diana’s Testimonial

Diana lost herself over the course of her long-term marriage, and felt like her heart had stopped when her husband asked for a divorce. Shell shocked from her marriage ending, Diana was determined to find herself again, step powerfully into her next chapter and no longer be reactive when interacting with her ex. After working with me, Diana completely transformed into a new empowered version of herself: confident, a strong sense of self, owning her value, and living a life she is proud of.